3,000 Data Points /sec.
Drive Hockey Smart Arena System
Drive Hockey has over 75 smart arenas calibrated for its portable player tracking system, making it easy for teams and skill coaches to provide player analytic services. Setup takes 15 min. in a pre-calibrated rink, no internet connection is required to operate and the system can run all day using its rechargeable lithium batteries. If your facility is interested in a fixed installation of our smart arena technology, contact us here.
Small rink sensors are setup around the outside rink glass
Player sensors are Velcro strapped to player shoulder pads.
Connect using a computer / tablet browser to operate the player tracking system and monitor in real-time
Analytic Reports within Minutes
When the event is complete, the system operator can connect to an internet connection and sync the event data to Drive Hockey’s analytics cloud. The data is processed using AI and all reports become available through our app within minutes after the game. The data sync time is 5 min. depending on your internet connection, and processing takes ~30-60 min. for a typical 60 minute event.
Arena Calibration Service
Available Now!
Support local hockey and become a destination for advanced analytics. Join over 70 private and community owned arenas pre-calibrated for Drive’s mobile tracking system at no cost to you.
Smart Arena Installations
Coming Soon!
Deliver real-time analytics to players, coaches, and fans, setting your venue apart while unlocking new revenue opportunities. Turn your facility into an innovation hub with our Smart Arena technology.
Portable Smart Arena System Components
A team volunteer can help setup the portable player tracking system before each event, and access the controls during the event over Wi-Fi using a tablet or laptop.