Sensor FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Sensor FAQs
- The red charging light on my anchor/tag went out, what does this mean?
Once the red charging light goes off, that means that the anchor/tag is fully charged and ready to use.
- How long does it take to charge a player sensor? Anchor?
The player sensors and anchors will fully charge in 2 hrs or less. If using a multi-charge, this time may be extended depending on the current level of the plugin.
- Where is the player sensor placed on the player?
The player sensor is attached to the back of the shoulder pads using a velcro strap. We recommend to either attach onto the loop that is typically sewn into the shoulder pads, or else use the strap to wrap around the pad portion. It is best to attach in the middle of the player as high up on the shoulder pads as possible.
Mobile System FAQs
- How long does it take to setup the tracking system before an event?
In a pre-calibrated rink, it takes about 15 minutes to setup the system.
- When tracking an event, why can I only see one Gateway device on screen?
This is normal, the gateway devices act like a mesh system, where one device acts as a primary interacting with the Edge and the others act as secondary extensions. Only the primary Gateway will show on the tracking screen.
- Where on the glass should I place the anchors?
It is best to place the anchors as high as possible, placing them a couple of inches down from the top of the glass is recommended. Bringing a step-ladder is also recommended.
- I attempted to sync the data I recorded while connected to the Edge device, but its not working?
The Edge device must be connected to an ethernet cable in order to upload and sync the data. Many hotels and arenas may have firewalls restricting heavy data transfers. We recommend a connection with an upload speed of at least 2.5Mbps as slower speeds could also timeout on large data syncs.
- How do I know the system is recording correctly?
In the event tracking screen, the Recording light will be highlighted red. If it is not red, you must first confirm the Network light is highlighted green, then click the ‘Sync Anchor Locations’ button, then click the ‘Data Recording On’ button. You can also double check that data is being recorded live by right clicking ‘Data’ in the navigation menu and opening it in a new tab - you should see the event with a value under the Data Rows column, and as you refresh you will see the value increase.
- I had one of my anchors stop working in the middle of my tracking session, will this affect my data?
The system is designed with redundancy, so it will continue working if some Anchors either run out of battery or otherwise stop working. For best results, we recommend using all anchors provided.
Analytics - Definitions
- Short Acceleration Burst
This is when a player starts motionless (under 5km/h), then accelerates for a minimum of 1.5 seconds. Captured variations include forward, backwards, with puck and without puck. Evident during faceoffs, transitioning off won or lost wall battles, moving off the wall during breakout plays, retrieving pucks after a shot on net, or during power play/penalty kill interactions.
Main Attribute: Distance traveled within 1.5 sec.
Breakdown includes:
- Distance traveled
- Peak acceleration
- Max speed achieved
- Number of repetitions
- Long Acceleration Sprint
When a player starts motionless (under 5km/h), then accelerates to a speed over 20km/h (9.3 mph) within 3 seconds. Captured variations include forward, backwards, with puck and without puck. Used in situations such as jumping into the rush, breakouts from behind the net or half wall, weak side forechecking, backchecking after an offensive zone loss or transition.
Main Attribute: Distance traveled within 3.0 sec.
Breakdown includes:
- Distance traveled
- Peak acceleration
- Max speed achieved
- Number of repetitions
Analytics - Reports
- Can I review plays using Drive Hockey Analytics?
Yes, you are able to replay each event completely, including saving clips, marking up, sharing clipped plays and viewing the replay from different angles.
Analytics - Events
- What type of events can be tracked
You can track the following event types:
Practices - Any unstructured event
Games - A structured full ice gameCombines - A controlled binary testing environment where isolated skills are tracked when a player is skating forwards, backwards, with puck, without a puck or during an endurance test.
App Features - User FAQs
- How do I view my child’s player dashboard?
After your session, you will receive an email invite to create an account on our website and on that website you will receive an invite to view your report.
- How long does the invitation link last before it expires?
The invitation link will last 30 days. Your coach or team admin can renew this by re-inviting the player.
- I received an invitation to my child’s analytics but the link has expired?
Your coach or team administrator can simply login and re-invite you, which will reset the expiry time.
- How can I share a link to the report with someone else?
Login and select the player from your home page. Select Access > Public Profile and you can copy / paste that link to share with people who don’t have an account.
- Which browser is best to view my report?
Modern Chrome and Firefox browsers are supported on laptop or tablet. Mobile viewing is not fully supported currently.
App Features - Coach Users FAQs
- What kind of events can I run?
The system can run a practice, a game, and a combine.
- What is the difference between a practice and a combine?
A practice just tracks a team as they practice, while a combine is a structured binary testing session that isolates skills and produces additional player breakdowns for backwards skating and performances with or without the puck.
- Do I have to change my practice plan to use the system?
No, the system will identify skills being used within the practice plan that you are running, and will compensate for times players are at work vs rest. If you would like to run a combine, Drive Hockey Analytics can provide a structured combine plan to ensure the best collection of data.
- How will the data be shared with me and my team?
You as a coach will be sent an invite to create an account through our website and view the data as an administrator. After you are sent the data, you can then send individual invites to each player. Individual players can only view their analytics, whereas coaches and team management users can view all players on the team.
General - Rink Calibration
- What tool should I use to measure and calibrate a rink?
When following our guide to measure the rink, we recommend using a laser measure that is capable of measuring at least 80 meters / yards distance. Please check the specifications, as there are some laser measuring devices on the market that are not capable of measuring that distance.
- What does Drive Hockey do to measure and calibrate a rink?
We require to stick x16 small clear stickers and 1” clear industrial velcro pieces onto the outside of the glass near the top edge. This takes about 2 hours of time walking around the outside of the rink and measuring each one. We additionally need to measure the location of the lines and faceoff dots of the rink. After this, the rink is calibrated and available for all future analytics tracking use.
- Why should my arena be measured and calibrated for Drive Hockey?
If your arena is measured and calibrated for our system, any team, association or service provider is able to provide analytics to teams using your arena. We highlight your arena as a destination that supports data analytics.
- How can I have our arena measured and calibrated for Drive Hockey?
Contact your nearest Drive Hockey service provider here: